Apple is finally bringing its signature style and innovation to automobiles with a new vehicle operating system, officially known as CarPlay. Though there have long been rumors of a car-based iOS from the tech company, new models of cars are finally being shown to the world with the new technology already built into place. By the end of 2014, cars from Hyundai, Jaguar, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari and Honda will also be producing cars with the new CarPlay system, with other major manufacturers expected to follow suit next year.
One of the main advantages of Apple's new car-based iOS is that it is hands-free. There will be no virtual keyboards for a person to be distracted by while driving, every app and feature will be controlled by the sound of the owner's voice. In the cars that come with this system, there will be a screen display on the dashboard, where everything that is being operated will be shown in a simplistic manner. There will be no complicated interface elements included.
The new coding of the system will make using it while driving a breeze. Siri will be able to read and dictate text messages, CarPlay can look at your calendar and emails to give you directions to where you need to be and music will be a major feature, as it is with most of Apple's products.
Apple continues to be on the forefront of the technological landscape by constantly working on developing new and improved devices and operating systems. If you are in the market for any of Apple's products - including the popular Macbook Pro and Macbook Air - be sure to shop with PortableOne.