When Apple unveiled the original 12.9 inches iPad Pro to consumers worldwide, the brand new tablet was met with a mix of enthusiasm and criticism, for being too big as an iPad. Since then, things have changed, especially once users have realized the true potential of the iPad Pro, when paired with a keyboard and the Apple Pencil.

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The 9.7 inch iPad Pro has come as a welcome addition to the Pro category, as a tablet that offers everything the 12.9 inch iPad Pro offers, in a form factor capable of catering to those looking for a reason to upgrade from a regular iPad Air, to something more advanced and versatile and powerful.
Both the 12.9 inches and 9.7 inches version of the iPad Pro come with the same A9X processor, which is currently the fastest chip to power an iOS device to date. Both tablet also come with support for the Apple Pencil, which offers the best stylus experience available.
The keyboard accessory available for both versions of the iPad Pro offers a very comfortable typing experience, which eliminates the need to type on an on-screen keyboard that covers half of the screen.
Finally, the audio system on both tablets uses dynamic audio distributed on four speakers, capable of delivering the best sound currently available on a tablet.
With size being the only difference between these two tablets, choosing the most suitable at work, depends very much on the type of tasks and environment for which we need the iPad Pro.
The 9.7 inch iPad Pro allows for a more portable profile, which allows the user to bring the tablet along, to business meetings, keynotes, classes, and other events that require a fast deployment of a tool which we would need to take notes, type, sketch or record.
For instance, the 9.7 inch iPad Pro can be useful in newsrooms, or during a conference, in which a journalist or reporter can use an instrument that allows to record an interview or a live event, and quickly send it for review to an editor, or to edit it directly, using the iPad Pro’s powerful hardware and editing tools.
The 12.9 inch iPad Pro, on the other hand, is closer to a laptop than a tablet, and can be more useful in situations when more focus is required, as well as more screen space.
For instance, when typing and editing a lengthy report using Microsoft Office 365 for iOS, the larger size of the original iPad Pro allows to work for comfortably, in the same way as one would on a small laptop, with the added perk of being able to use an advanced stylus, as well as multi-tasking, through Split-View.
With the latest iOS update, both versions of the iPad Pro come with a Night Shift feature that allows a more natural, more comfortable experience when staring at a screen for long periods of time. Night Shift works in such way as to enhance warmer colors on the screen, which counteracts the typical effects of sleep deprivation caused by cold colors emitted by computer screens at night.
In conclusion, those who need an experience closer to a laptop, should consider the 12.9 inch iPad Pro, as the typing is considerably faster and more comfortable than it would be on a smaller tablet. With that said, if the priority is portability, the 9.7 inch is definitely the better option.