Windows 10 Mobile OS 64-bit confirmed for Lumia devices
The 64-bit version of Windows 10 Mobile is finally coming to Microsoft Lumia devices, powered by 64-bit Snapdragon CPUs. So far, Microsoft has chosen to ship Lumia devices with a 32-bit version of Windows 10 Mobile.

The shift to 64-bit will coincide with the Redstone update, and will finally allow new handsets to support over 4GB or RAM, larger register instances, new instruction sets, lower power requirements, and better universal app support, as well as support for a number of x86 desktop apps.
Porting desktop apps to mobile platforms is something that Microsoft has been looking into for a long time, and finally, the latest enhancement of the Lumia brand is one step towards creating a more powerful and comprehensive Windows 10 ecosystem.
With that said, it’s also worth noting that the recent decision to bestow Lumia devices with 64-bit support, won’t erode the chance for the Lumia brand to be on its way out. Rumors of a Surface Phone have been frequent and consistent enough to think that the fabled device may be an actual thing, and not just vaporware. Microsoft, much like Apple, is in the process of tightening the screws on its brands, especially Surface, which is a brand that has the potential to compete against Apple, as long as it keeps a high and consistent standard of quality and innovation.
The ability to run desktop apps on a mobile phone is a big clue that Microsoft is looking to create an air-tight ecosystem, in which users are able to access any app they want, on any device they want, to get the work done. Looking back at Microsoft’s history, the company has always been about productivity and taking care of business, which was one of Bill Gates’ high priorities, and one trait that Satya Nadella seems to stand behind all the way.
Productivity, no matter the size of the screen is really what Windows 10 seems to be all about, as the first truly responsive operating system, capable of morphing and scaling from one device to another, while still offering user-friendly, intuitive interface.
By this token, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to expect a brand new line of Surface handsets, perhaps as early as this year.