Windows 10 Anniversary Update scheduled for August 2nd

Those who were hoping for July 29th as the date of Windows 10’s Anniversary Update, will have to wait a little longer, as Microsoft has recently announced August 2nd as the official launch date of the major update.
The rather odd, but likely official empty post on Microsoft’s own New Center, featured no details whatsoever, aside from the title “Microsoft announces Windows 10 anniversary update available Aug. 2”(Credit: WayBack Machine). The announcement, however, was pulled from New Center within a few hours, but not before being shared at least once on Microsoft’s newly acquired professional social networking website LinkedIn.
The post could have been the result of a hasty editor, or an intentional “tease” to create momentum towards the coming update. With that said, the update will bring a number of major improvements, especially focusing on Windows Ink, Microsoft Edge, Windows Hello, and Cortana.
The Anniversary Update marks one year since Windows 10 first launched on July 29th. A free upgrade to Windows 10 has been available to existing owners of Windows 7 and Windows 8, largely as a way for Microsoft to extend an apology to those who were sorely disappointed by their experience with Windows 8.
After July 29th, anyone who has not taken advantage of the free upgrade will pay the regular license, $119 for the regular edition of Windows 10, and $199 for Windows 10 Pro.
Users with disabilities, who need accessibility applications to use Windows, will benefit from an extension, although it is unclear what criteria will Microsoft apply in verifying eligibility.