The demise of Microsoft Windows 10 S shouldn’t surprise anyone, unlike its very existence

When Microsoft first announced Windows 10 S, many former “accidental” owners of the second, ill-fated iteration of the Microsoft Surface tablet, flashbacked to memories of Windows RT, and how they felt when they found themselves unable to install and use their favorite desktop apps, while bound to an environment where the only source for productivity tools, or anything else, was a very skeletal Windows Store.
Fast forward to 2018, the Windows Store is now “Microsoft Store”, featuring a staggering collection of apps, far beyond what we remember. With that said, Microsoft has learned its lesson in regard to trying to act like Apple: to act like Apple, you have to “be” Apple.
Windows users like their flexibility, and they championed it for decades, through the good and bad streaks of the Windows operating system’s history. Windows was always meant to be ubiquitous, even prior to becoming it.
This is why it’s a mystery as to why Microsoft would release anything like Windows RT, ever again. What’s even more puzzling is why Microsoft would license such restricted version of Windows, only to provide an upgrade option to Windows 10 Pro.
Finally, Microsoft has decided to give users closure on the matter of Microsoft Windows 10 S, by announcing that the company is getting ready to phase out Windows 10 S, in favor of Windows 10 Pro “S” mode, which essentially turns a regular desktop version of Windows 10, into a mobile-friendly, battery-friendly equivalent, at no additional cost, or licensing requirements.
Windows 10 S-mode is not only ideal to users looking to squeeze out a few more hours of battery life when too far from the closest power outlet, it also simplifies Microsoft’s strategy, towards eliminating fragmentation among devices, a clever move long time in the making.
The only thing that is not clear is whether S-mode will be the only way to use Windows on some devices. For instance, on smaller Windows 10 tablets, will S mode still reversible to Windows 10 Pro? Most importantly, will the Pro mode be available on ARM-powered devices?
Windows 10 S mode will be available to consumers sometime in 2019, which means we still have a bit of time before drawing conclusions on Microsoft’s next step in consolidating Windows, and making it truly ubiquitous.
Ready to shop?
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