The Apple Watch: a $25 corporate health incentive
The perks of being a corporate employee, often include company shares, transportation, or discounted services and products provided by the company. For instance, Apple store employees may be able to purchase certain items at a discount, depending on Apple’s internal policies.

A new form of incentive is becoming popular, among healthcare industry employees. A number of companies, including Vitality Group, Amgen and DaVita HealthCare Partners, are launching programs that enable employees to purchase an Apple Watch, for as low as $25.
The least one can expect to pay for an Apple Watch is in the realm of $300-$400, which makes program like these extremely appealing. With that said, the perk comes with strings. Every employees who elects to participate in the program is expected to meet certain health goals, for at least two years, or pay for the full cost of the Apple Watch.
The logic behind the program is primarily for companies to save in health premium costs, by providing an incentive for employees to keep a healthy lifestyle. The benefit that these types of programs have for employees, in terms of quality of life is considerable, when taking into account also out-of-pocket healthcare costs that may incur beyond the coverage provided by a company.
It’s not clear whether Apple is in direct partnership with any of the companies providing this program, but such could be assumed, depending on Apple’s policies, as these programs seem to hint that employees will fully own the device at the end of the two-years required to qualify. Depending on the terms of ownership of the Apple Watch, a partnership might be the case, and would avoid potential legal troubles, should the process fall within the category of an actual sale of the device.