Should I Buy AppleCare now, or wait a Year?
We get this question all the time. Even worse, and we see this even more than that... individuals who chose to wait that year only they waited too long.

Yes, there is a time clock on purchasing AppleCare for your Mac. When you purchase a Mac computer (laptop or desktop) it comes with 90 days of AppleCare support and 12 months parts and labor warranty from Apple. If you want to purchase AppleCare, you must purchase it within the first 12 months of your purchase date of the Mac.
What is AppleCare for Mac?
AppleCare is an extended warranty and support plan from Apple. AppleCare for Mac will extend both the warranty period and AppleCare support for a full 3 years from the purchase date of your Mac. That last part is critical... AppleCare coverage ends 3 years from the purchase date of your Mac.
Why Buy AppleCare with my new Mac?
Unfortunately, too many people wait to purchase AppleCare for their Mac. There are two common reasons we see. One, they choose to wait in order to delay the cost. There isn't anything wrong with this, AppleCare for a 15" MacBook Pro will set you back a good chunk of change. But the problem with this that we see is people wait too long... They either order at the last possible second before their eligibility ends or they try to order AppleCare after their expiration. Apple is good to work with, and if you do have proof of purchase before your original coverage expired we have seen them gran t exceptions. But... if you purchased after your expiration date then you're out of luck. Since this is a shrink wrapped product, you'll have a hard time returning it to where you purchased it.
Two, some people erroneously think that by waiting a year to purchase AppleCare they will get an additional 2 years of coverage from when they purchase AppleCare - which is not correct.
AppleCare is expensive, is it Worth It?
That depends... Generally, extended warranties are not always recommended by organizations like Consumer Reports. However, extended warranties can be a good idea for some people. But, remember, AppleCare is not just an extended warranty. AppleCare gives the Mac owner access to Apple's AppleCare experts, online, on the phone or in person in an AppleStore. This coverage includes help with any "how to" question so long as it relates to the Mac hardware of Apple apps. Also, if your Mac is a laptop and you're on the road with it, using it on campus or otherwise more prone to being dropped, you may want to consider AppleCare. Lastly, more and more components are soldered to the motherboard these days. This means that if one of those components fail, it can not be easily replaced. The whole motherboard must be replaced and that is a very expensive repair.
AppleCare is expensive, where can I find it on sale?
You're in luck! Portable One is an Authorized Apple Reseller and offers AppleCare discounts all the time. Here's our current pricing:
AppleCare for Apple Mac Pro MD008LL/A $195.00
AppleCare for iMac MD006LL/A $130.00
AppleCare for Mac Mini MD010LL/A $89.00
AppleCare for MacBook Pro 15" MD012LL/A $274.00
AppleCare Protection Plan - MacBook Air/13-inch MacBook Pro/12-inch MacBook MD014LL/A $185.00