NVIDIA is hiring engineers to put their chips on your next 2016 MacBook Pro

According to a recent job listing from NVIDIA, the graphic card manufacturer seems to be on the hunt for software engineers with a focus on Apple devices, which could turn out to be a big indicator of things to come for the next generations of MacBooks.
The posting, titled “Metal computer and OpenCL software engineer - MAC # 1897400”, is targeting individuals with the skills necessary to “...implement and extend Metal Compute and OpenCL...”.
Metal is Apple’s default 3D rendering engine on iOS, macOS and tvOS, and was first introduced along with iOS 8 at the WWDC 2015. The engine featured capabilities similar to OpenGL and OpenCL, hence enabling advanced visual effects to be incorporated in games running on iPhones, and iPads, as well as Macs.
By this token, it could be entirely plausible that NVIDIA needs specific workforce in light of possible talks with Apple in regard to implementing NVIDIA chips on Apple devices, especially MacBooks.
Apple has currently a long standing relationship with AMD, in regard to graphic chips for Macs, but that could change, should Apple feel the need to focus on graphic-intensive technologies like VR gaming, which is already working its way into the Windows 10 PC market..
This is further corroborated by bullet points listed under “Way to stand out from the crowd” section of the post, which explicitly says that desirable candidates should possess “...Experience with OSX and/or Linux operating systems...”.
While MacBooks are powerful machines for productivity and daily tasks, advanced 3D gaming has always been a historical shortcoming. Historically, gaming on Macs was never a big priority to Apple, however VR has received enough attention this year, to suggest a trend that is here to stay. VR headsets like Oculus VR and HTC Vive, require considerable hardware resources to provide a worthy experience to users, and Mac users interested in the technology have been vocal about wanting the same capability on Macs, that Windows 10 users have been enjoying on their PCs.
Will the 2016 MacBook Pro be powered by a GeForce?
While it might not be exactly the “next” MacBook, the possibility of a MacBook Pro, powered by any number of NVIDIA GeForce chips is very real, which could also mean that future Apple iMac Retina could be capable of advanced gaming and VR, and able to run triple-A titles like The Solus Project, or Forza Horizon.
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