Microsoft confirms Windows 10 USB installation media
According to a report, late last month, retail listings were spotted on a German tech site, for
Windows 10 installation media in USB form. The sightings sparked rumors on the possibility that Microsoft may be considering making Windows 10 available as a USB installation medium at retail stores.
Last week, a Microsoft spokesperson reportedly told VentureBeat, that Windows 10 will be “...available on USB drives for purchase in retail channels shortly after the launch...”.
To further corroborate the statements, retail listings for Windows 10 Pro and Home, showing Microsoft as the seller have began appearing in online stores.

Some of the listings feature different release dates, in some cases as far at August 16th, and shipping dates as far as August 30th. These dates are consistent with the “...shortly after launch...” statement from Microsoft, which places the commercial availability of Windows 10 in a flexible state.
What about the traditional installation disk?
While there has never been any official comment or word on the matter from Microsoft, so far all pre-order reports featuring Windows 10 have been in USB form, with virtually no trace of optical media anywhere.
The relevance of CDs and DVDs is fading as setup media for operating systems, and in some cases even software applications, unlike the availability of USB ports. USB drives have been the setup medium of choice for a wide array of open source operating systems, and the reliability of flash storage far outshines that of optical disks, often susceptible to data corruption caused by scratches and dust.
The other factor playing against an optical medium, is that USB media packaging will be substantially more compact than the traditional DVD packaging, which could translate in much more units deployed to retailers.