Microsoft Windows 10 Preview Build 10130: new icon set, user experience.
Not even two weeks from the release of build 10122, Microsoft Windows 10 Preview Build 10130 is here, with a few more interesting improvements, involving both user interface and user experience.

New Icons
A third iteration of the system icons set has been implemented. The new set is more polished than in the previous two versions, and possibly closer to a definitive version. This new icon pack looks closer to the design across other iterations of Windows 10, such as Windows Mobile, for a more consistent experience.
Changes to the Start Menu and Jump list
Personalization for the Start menu has been added, allowing users to change the way the Start menu displays information, such as recently opened apps and programs, or whether the start menu opens full screen or resized.
The Jump List, available when right-clicking the folder icon on the taskbar, has been redesigned to be more consistent with the rest of the new interface.
Microsoft Edge
Development of Microsoft’s default new browser continues, as more improvements have been made to its temporary iteration still branded “Project Spartan”. Among the additions, the ability to pin and unpin Cortana from the main interface, as well as the reading list.
Filtered versus Global virtual desktop taskbar
The default configuration of the virtual desktop taskbar will be filtered from now on, by popular demand, with the option of switching to Global, from Settings.
Cortana Shortcut
With this build, when holding down the Windows key and pressing C, Cortana speech recognition is activated and listening for voice commands.
Among other miscellaneous fixes and improvements, fullscreen video playback is available.
Flyout elements, like the taskbar, Cortana and the notification center, may fail to open at times. This issue will be fixed through Windows Update, as well as occasional WiFi connectivity issues and Mail synchronization. For now, a restart may be required as a temporary solution until an update is available.