Introducing the Apple iMac Retina 24K: and no, it’s not a typo.
For those who don’t know what to do with $16,000 just laying around, here’s an idea: a 24K gold plated 27 inch iMac Retina 5K. If this doesn’t sound like the type of extravaganza for which Apple is known, it’s because it isn’t. In fact, British crafter Goldgenie is already about to fulfill fifty orders of the blinged-out Apple iMac, for a total close to $760,000, to be delivered sometime this month to an anonymous customer in China, according to Goldgenie CEO Laban Roomes.

Gold plated electronics seem to be all the rage, at least in the Southeast of Asia, where wealthier clientele is prepared to spend big, for their very own gold plated iPad, iPhone 6, and Apple Watch, as well as other non-Apple tech gadgets.
The specs on the embellished 27 inch iMac Retina 5K, are impressive: powered by a 4.0GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, the iMac comes packed with 32GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1TB of flash storage, and an AMD Radeon R9 M395X GPU with 4GB of RAM.
According to a note at the bottom of the ordering page, the company requires a 50% deposit to purchase an iMac on behalf of the customer, and prepare it for the customization process, which takes approximately 650 hours to complete.
For those looking to go “all out” on a luxury iPhone 6, will have to get ready to fork over a deposit of $8,100,00, for a Gold, Platinum or Rose Gold version of the handset, with edges encrusted in diamonds, and a Diamond RockStar screen. To top it all off, the device also comes with its very own custom box, crafted in oak wood, and complete with a bottom drawer, big enough for hand crafted Cuban cigars, with plenty of room to store the keys to the private jet.

The massively over the top handset it’s not just about precious metals, it also comes with Total Armour Protection, and “...Military Grade Encryption on texts and phone calls...”.
As mentioned earlier, the UK-based company specializes in all sorts of Apple products, including the Apple Watch, as part of the Spectrum Collection, featuring Rose Gold, Gold and Platinum plating, Swarovski style crystals, and diamonds, with “...a wide range of exotic animal skin straps...” (not too exotic, we hope).
An embellished version of the iPad Pro is also available, and it will set high-end customers back almost $1600.