How good are you in keeping your Apple devices clean?
The thing in common with cars and electronics is that keeping them clean is hard work. With that said, no one likes to climb into a dirty car, and just as well, no one likes to be handed an iPhone or an iPad covered in greasy fingerprints. By that token, the aesthetic factor is not nearly as important as the level of hygiene. Personal electronics are among some of the dirtiest items, not far behind cash and public handrails. Keeping up with a consistent cleaning routine is important to reduce the contact with allergens and bacteria.

How to keep touchscreens clean
Want to keep the touchscreen of your iPhone or iPad nice and clean as new? Microfiber cloth is your friend. The glass on iOS devices is treated with an oleophobic coating which repels oils from the skin. This coating makes the touchscreen on an iPad very easy to clean with just a barely damp microfiber cloth. It’s important to remember that due to this very same oleophobic coating, using regular cloth or other fabrics, could wipe off the coating, and even scratch the screen.
How to clean your iPhone case and iPad smart Cover
There are many different iPhone cases, and depending on the type of material and features, there are different ways to go about cleaning them. the same can be said for iPad cases.
If your iPhone or iPad case comes with a battery, like Apple’s iPhone Smart Battery, or with other types of contact, such as the iPad Smart Keyboard, using a wet cloth might not be the best idea, as it could damage any exposed contacts, and cause rust. In most cases, cleaning the interior of the case with a dry cloth will suffice.
Silicon or other types of plastic are easier to clean than other materials, such as leather, whose appearance changes when in contact with oils from skin, makeup, dyes, and even sunlight. Do not use leather cleaning products, as they will change the appearance of the leather. Instead, a soft cloth damp with warm water and mild soap will deliver the best results.
a little known trick to use when cleaning an iPad, is to fold the iPad’s Smart Keyboard, as if it were a stand, and use the microfiber lining on the cover, to wipe the iPad’s touchscreen.
Cleaning your Apple Mac
Cleaning a MacBook, or an iMac is not very different than cleaning an iOS device, although some extra care is needed, as desktop and laptop computers have significantly more exposed contacts than mobile devices.
The important thing to remember is to never use window-cleaning products on computer displays, such as the Retina display of the Apple iMac 4K and 5K, or the Retina display on any MacBook. Cleaning products like Windex are extremely abrasive, and can seriously damage the surface of a computer display.
Cleaning a Retina display on an iMac or a MacBook can only be done vertically. Spraying water on a cloth before wiping the screen, instead of spraying water directly on the surface, is a good habit to get into, as water will drip down and pool underneath the Mac.
Before cleaning any kind of accessories, like the Magic Mouse/Keyboard/Trackpad, as well as the Wireless Keyboard, all devices should be turned off and all batteries should be removed. Clorox or Lysol kitchen wipes are typically the best for sanitizing high-traffic shared surfaces like pointing devices and keyboards.