Christmas Truce of 2015 is Microsoft's olive branch to Apple, for the Holidays.
An upcoming Microsoft ad, set to air on December 3rd, has already been dubbed the “Christmas Truce of 2015”, and features employees from the Microsoft Store in New York City, accompanied by a choir of Harlem children, gathering in front of the 5th Avenue Apple Store, singing “Let There Be Peace on Earth”.
The ad comes in stark contrast with recent years campaigns, mostly focusing on comparative advertising, which has been Microsoft’s mantra for the past few years, not only in regard to Apple, but also about other competitors in different categories, with notable campaigns coming to mind, such as the notorious “Scroogled” campaign, taking some vicious stabs at Google’s primary business model.

According to Kathleen Hall, VP of Global Advertising at Microsoft, Apple agreed to allow Microsoft to film in front of its store, without much information about the script, or what was to take place. In the ad, Apple employees are seeing spill out of the Apple Store, to watch Microsoft employees singing what seems to be a call for a truce between the two companies, at least during the holidays, a truly brilliant move from Microsoft’s part, with the interesting, and apparently unscripted ending of the ad in Microsoft and Apple employees hugging in celebration.
The ad is set to air in a 60-second format on TV, and in its full-length 2-minute version, online, with a modest online promotion beginning today, as Miss Hall explained, “We find when we put stuff out there it can take a life of its own”.