At last: Microsoft has just added an address bar to the Windows 10 Registry Editor

With the release of Microsoft Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14942, the Windows team has introduced a feature that should make a few Windows 10 system administrators a whole lot happier.
The Windows Registry Editor has gotten a little overhaul that includes an address bar, which works in the same way as the address bar on a browser, except that instead of displaying websites, it displays the exact location of a registry key within the system.
For the uninitiated, the Windows Registry is the master database of all system settings, and it includes permanent parameters set for all installed software, hardware drivers, system configurations, and more. The Registry Editor is a direct interface, and the go-to place for system admins, and the reckless common user who likes to gamble a day worth of reinstalling Windows against the odds of not touching a number of sensitive settings that could potentially break Windows 10 to an irreparable state.
For the moment, the feature is only available to Windows 10 Insiders, but it might make it into the next major Windows 10 update, expected to be deployed next year.
With this new update, we are also beginning to see a few interesting changes to be expected in the future, such as the ability to not only permanently uninstall default applications, but also to preserve that state between updates, so that after a Windows update those applications won’t spawn yet again.
Other improvements have been made to the way memory is handled for processes, as well as a better display of information on the Task Manager.
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