April’s Fools unveils two of the best fake Apple products we’ll never get.
Gadgette’s Jennifer Harrison, and Recombu’s Chris Barraclough had a bit of fun yesterday, with two hilarious, but very fake Apple announcements.

Tim Cook would have to be out of his mind to actually state the above, while introducing a 2016 Apple iMac, built inside a 1998 Apple iMac casing. With that said, we would be lying if we said that the notion of a retro embodiment of Apple’s flagship desktop wasn’t at the very least titillating.
(Not) Tim Cook went on record for Gadgette, saying: “Our newest desktop takes everything you loved about the latest and greatest Apple computers and puts it in the classic 1998 iMac casing. For example, we’ve brought the old design into the modern day by completely removing the optical disk drive! This really is the best of our newest machines; you have to do everything with USB and downloads.”, a powerful statement that we just couldn’t help reading twice, first with the voice of Tim Cook, and then Jony Ive’s, the latter of which almost had us check Apple’s website (not).
Apple iPad Pro Mini Pro... because there is no such thing as too much Pro, or iPad.
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the iPad Pro Mini Pro: the junior embodiment of the 9.7 inch iPad Pro, pocket-sized.
This actually had us scratch our heads for the first paragraph, until we checked the video, showing a rather emaciated Jony Ive, talking about a product that, in hindsight, is terribly close to being an actual thing, the likelihood of which finds root in a very unlikely refresh of the iPad Air 2 following the unveiling of the smaller iPad Pro.
Among some of the accessories introduced with the “Apple iPad Pro Mini Pro”, is the Apple Glove, which, as the name suggest, it’s a black knit glove, with an Apple logo on the back.
Recombu also gave us an insight into the evolution of the “iPad Pro Mini Pro”: the “iPad Pro Mini Pro Mini”, which we can only assume will come with 50% more Pro, and 50% more Mini, than the iPad Pro Mini Pro, in a Mini form factor, but with more Pro than ever. Say that three times fast.