1987's video made by Apple, was meant to be just a concept... at first.
A concept video created by John Sculley and Steve Wozniak, in 1987, contains remarkably accurate predictions about several of today’s technologies and products, which back in 1987 were merely science fiction.

The video’s main theme was to provide a glimpse into John Sculley's vision of Apple, ten years later, in 1997. In spite of the retro appearance, nearly every concept illustrated by Wozniak and Sculley, have turned into reality, although, for at least some of those inventions, it took a lot longer than ten years.
VistaMac and Holograms
In 1987, personal computers that fit on a desk have been in existence for a little more than 10 years, but computers that would fit on a person’s face would not make their appearance until a few short years ago, and for a very short time still, with Google Glass. VistaMac was a concept that even Wozniak and Sculley may have thought as a little out of reach for the times, yet the working principle illustrated in the fictional ad, is very close to what we have seen in modern products on their way to consumers soon, like Oculus Rift and Microsoft HoloLens.
Holography makes also its appearance, in a vaguely Star Wars-reminiscent sequence, in which the three-dimensional holographic image of an actor is used to simulate a teleconferencing session.
A computer that speaks... and listens
Siri wasn’t released until 2011, but 24 years earlier, Apple was already thinking about bestowing computers with, not only speech capabilities, but also the ability to listen and provide information according to users habits and preferences.
Electronic boarding passes
Modern air travelers take for granted the ability to book and purchase, virtually anything, using a smartphone, but in the 80s, brick-and-mortar travel agencies were all the rage. Apple’s vision of how to purchase airfare in its retro version of 1997, was very close to today’s trends, with reservations made, and paid for, over the Internet.
No iPhone yet, but getting close
In 1997, Apple imagined public phone booths with integrated video, reminiscent of FaceTime. In that futuristic vision, Steve Wozniak and John Sculley even contemplated the possibility that Apple would not be the only player in the market of videophone booths, as the video shows similar booths displaying what seems to be a Bell Atlantic logo.
What if Apple did it again?
1987 was a long time ago, and so was 1997, but the innovations and technologies that we have seen coming to light, have blown all our expectations, one by one. Of course, there are a few things we have not figured out yet, like teleportation and a working light-saber, but what if Tim Cook decided to make a concept video of what Apple will look like, 10, or even 20 years from now? What would it show, in a world where it almost feels like everything has been invented?
Maybe we should make an effort and exercise our imagination like we used to, 20 or 30 years ago, and perhaps make a bet, on how many of those inventions, no matter how far-fetched and impossible, may eventually become reality.