The Big Change Apple Made to AppleCare for Mac That Could Leave Mac Owners Unprotected
Apple made a big change with the June 2017 Mac refresh that is getting little to no coverage and that lack of knowledge could leave lots of Mac owners unprotected down the road.
First, Apple discontinued the old retail boxed AppleCare plans for Mac which offered a full 3 years warranty and AppleCare support. They were replaced with AppleCare+ for Mac which still covers your Mac for a full 3 years from its purchase date with warranty coverage, AppleCare support and the addition of Accidental Damage protection. However, Apple changed the purchase rules on top charging more for AppleCare+…

A Mac buyer used to have up to 12 months to go back and purchase AppleCare and far too many people, when purchasing their new Mac decided to put off that purchase. Those who put it off are going to find themselves in a bind though. The new AppleCare+, if not purchased at the same time as the Mac, can only be purchased during the first 60 days (down from 12 months) of the Mac’s purchase. One must visit an Apple Store (or Authorized Repair Center), with an appointment for inspection of your Mac before Apple will sell you AppleCare+. While inconvenient, it’s not as bad as those who will be looking for AppleCare+ on their 27” iMac. Can you imagine having to lug that to the mall just to buy a warranty?
When it comes down to it, there could be millions of Mac owners who purchased their Mac more than 2 months ago, but less than 12 months. So what are these Mac owners left to do? Fortunately, Authorized resellers like still has limited quantities of the boxed AppleCare plans in stock. Yes, Apple is still honoring these AppleCare plans for eligible Macs that were purchased less than 12 months ago. You can check your Macs eligibility here:
Bottom line, if you’re purchasing a new Mac, we highly recommend purchasing AppleCare+ with it at the same time. You can purchase AppleCare+ with your new Mac at during checkout. And considering the “unrepairability” of Macs these days and the addition of Accidental Damage protection for all 3 years it’s a better investment. However, if you’re one of those caught between the 2 and 12 month window, we recommend you hurry up and buy your AppleCare extended warranty before the sellout. You won’t have the Accidental Damage protection, but you will be covered and supports for the full three years from your Macs purchase date. still has limited quantities available:
AppleCare for Apple Mac Pro MD008LL/A
AppleCare for iMac MD006LL/A
AppleCare for Mac Mini MD010LL/A
AppleCare for MacBook Air/13-inch MacBook Pro/12-inch MacBook MD014LL/A