Qualities of a Good Webinar Platform

When it comes to hosting a webinar, there are a lot of things you need to keep in mind and balance to make sure that everyone gets the best experience possible. The following will break down some of the things you can do to ensure that your webinar is memorable, useful, and informative.
A Good Webinar Gives People Something
That’s right. Ask yourself what other people will gain from attending your webinar. If your only answer is that you want to end up with more subscribers or have more people enrolled in your course so you can make more money, you’re not using the webinar tool correctly. If they don’t gain anything from attending, they’re not going to give you more money or more of their time.
Think about your audience and the sort of things that they’re struggling with. What are the difficulties they face each day in their lives? What information can you share to help them with this? A good webinar can be one or more of the following:
- Informative: it gives people information that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to access—if they can find the same information on Google, it’s not informative
- Supportive: it connects people to others who can encourage and support them in a new or ongoing endeavor
- Helpful: it tackles a problem that they face regularly
- Actionable: it contains actionable steps that people can follow to apply the information to their lives
Deciding what you want to offer to your audience is the first step. Without this stage of your webinar development, you’re going to end up with a lot of frustrated people who feel like their time has been wasted. Most people don’t have forty minutes to an hour to spare—making time for a webinar means they expect to get something out of it.
Well-Designed Content
Once you know what you want to offer your audience in the webinar, you’ll want to design your content. Gather together all the information you want to share and figure out how to put it in an order that will be most helpful for your participants. Make sure that you find the primary sources that support any statistics or studies that you reference—someone might ask in the questions or comments box, and you want to be ready for that.
Thoroughly Prepared Content
In addition to knowing what information you want to get across, you’re also going to want to decide how you will share that information. Would video content assist you? Do you want to have a PowerPoint presentation planned on your computer so you can screen share and walk people through different steps?
A Webinar Software Program That Supports Audience Size
Many webinar software programs have different features that make them more suited to different styles of software. Once the bulk of your content is prepared, you can begin looking through reviews of improved webinar platforms. Take note of reviews from people who used the software for the same sort of purposes as you. Maybe you even want to sign up for a webinar or two hosted on a particular platform before you decide to go with it.
An Audience Maximum That Suits The Content
This step is essential because if you have too many people in a webinar, there’s no way for people’s questions to be seen and addressed as you go along. Ideally, you want to give everyone who attends the time and attention needed to ensure that they understand everything you’re sharing with them and how they can apply it to their own lives. Yes, this might mean you host two or three webinars instead of just one, but having access to the teacher is one of the big draws of a webinar. You might even include this information in your advertisements—mentioning that people will have time to bring up their questions at the end or throughout.
A Polished Presentation (And Presenter)
Part of a great webinar is not tripping over your words or repeatedly saying “um” or “like.” Take a moment to brush up on your presentation skills—likely, you’ll have to run through the whole presentation five or six times to get things fluid. While you’re at it, make sure the space that will be visible behind you is clean, and the lighting will be consistent. Finally, make sure you, yourself, are cleaned up—washed and in clean clothes. This is part of professionalism—just imagine that you’re going to speak in front of fifty people in a theatre—dress accordingly.
By considering the above qualities, you’re sure to host a fabulous, informative webinar. If attendants need to bring anything with them, be sure to let them know before webinar time.